Between the bony vertebrae in your spine, there are rubbery discs that help maintain flexibility and act as shock absorbers. The rubbery portion of these discs is called the nucleus pulposus (NP), and it’s made up of water, proteins, and collagen fibers. The NP is protected by a hard cartilage shell, called the annulus. Sometimes, after a back injury, a person may develop a herniated, or prolapsed, disc where the NP bulges out of the cartilage shell.…
After an automobile accident, you will likely see a variety of medical professionals, from an emergency room doctor to your primary physician or even a surgeon. However, you may be surprised that the medical professional that can offer you some of the greatest relief from the aches and pains of an automobile accident is your chiropractor. Here are a few of the many benefits of working with a chiropractor after your automobile accident.…
If you have been experiencing chronic pain in your back, neck, or shoulders, and you have not been able to find a solution to make this discomfort subside on your own, a visit to a chiropractic care facility is a beneficial way to stop the pain without the use of medication. If you have never visited a chiropractor before, and you decide to contact one to set up an appointment for a spinal alignment, knowing what to expect helps to reduce anxiety about the situation.…
While all your body organs need to be perfectly healthy for an exciting life, your back plays a crucial role in your body’s health status you shouldn’t overlook. Your back holds your spine together, which plays a central role in the proper functioning of your musculoskeletal system—tendons, muscles, and ligaments.
As such, to ensure your back is in good health status without suffering from any pain, here are the most effective chiropractic techniques for back pain everyone needs in 2022.…